Lisbon, Portugal
The 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Business and Finance took place in Lisbon,Portugal between the 12th and 14th of April, 2019. We were delighted to have Cidade Universitária as the host to this premiere exchange between leading researchers, scholars, and academics.
ICMBF brought together a diverse group of academia from across the globe with participants from Portugal, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, South Africa, the United Kingdom, to name just a few, adding their unique perspectives to the sessions and exchange.
The agenda addressed numerous pressing subjects in the field, including liquidity risk determinants, multidimensional risk relevance model in production, host perceptions of the impacts of Aribnb, and others. The scientific committee of ICMBF reviewed over a hundred abstracts and was meticulous about the ones it selected to be presented on stage or as a poster. This resulted in an event that was thought-provoking, inspiring, and engaging.
The conference also featured a free guided tour of Lisbon. The city has so much to offer to its visitors: beautiful parks, architecturally mesmerizing monasteries, squares, and towers, mouthwatering cuisine, and rich culture.